Firstly, we want to make clear that fact that we stand alongside you in our zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate ads infiltrating our game. If you come across any, we encourage you to promptly report them.
We are afraid that inappropriate ads might show during your gameplay, as the content you see is not controlled by us but by a 3rd party provider.
If this is the case, please reach out to our Customer Support Team including the following information:
- A screenshot of the ad itself, where the product shown can be visible
- A full description of the ad ( what it contains, the brand, the product etc)
- Why the ad is inappropriate for you ( unable to close the ad, inappropriate content, etc)
Some ads will include an information button on one of the four corners of the screen, in this case, we recommend pressing the “i” button and pressing “Report Ad”, you will be asked to select a reason for reporting the ad.
In this case, the ad will not show again on your device.
We are committed to continuously improving the ad experience within the game and providing a balance between supporting the game and maintaining a comfortable environment for our players.
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